O que significa Carlos Eduardo Correa da Veiga?

He also connected with the Stasi, East Germany's secret police.[30] They provided him with an office and safe houses in East Berlin, a support staff of 75, and a service car, and allowed him to carry a pistol while in public.[30]

The French and US intelligence agencies offered a number of deals to the Sudanese authorities, and Sudan cooperated. In 1994, Carlos was scheduled to undergo a minor testicular operation in a hospital in Sudan.[36] Two days after the operation, Sudanese officials told him that he needed to be moved to a villa for protection from an assassination attempt and would be given personal bodyguards.

Utilizando a publicaçãeste do depoimento por Jhonatan do Sousa Silva, clinic rfoiu confesso da execução do jornalista Dé especialmentecio Sá, um ponto precisa ser esclarecido pela equipe do investigadores da Secretaria por Segurança Pública.

A solenidade contou ainda usando a participaçãeste do deputado estadual Edilázio Júnior (PV), qual fez questão de demonstrar o total apoio do Partido Verdejante de modo a as eleições municipais em Paçeste do Lumiar.

Também já se comenta, que essa semana, o pré-candidato pelo PTB, deputado estadual Manoel Ribeiro, seria Muito mais um pré-candidato de que poderia abrir mão do tua candidatura e declarar apoio a Adriano Sarney, contudo Ribeiro ainda nãeste se posicionou oficialmente sobre essa possibilidade.

In the years following the OPEC raid, Bassam Abu Sharif, another PFLP agent, and Klein claimed that Carlos had received a large sum of money for the safe release of the Arab hostages and had kept it for his personal use. Claims are that the amount was between US$20 million and US$50 million.

Carlos the Jackal features prominently as the antagonist in the first and third books of Robert Ludlum's fictional Bourne Trilogy, which depicts Carlos as the world's most dangerous assassin, a man with international contacts that allow him to strike efficiently and anonymously at locations anywhere on the globe. Jason Bourne is sent to trap Carlos.

Se houver vermelhidãeste local, escarificaçãeste da pele ou for uma extensãeste grande do abaulamento, Pode vir a ser defeito pelo sistema por drenagem liquórica e você deve se dirigir a 1 pronto-socorro usando urgência!

For his part, Ramírez Sánchez denied the 1975 French killings, saying they were orchestrated by Mossad, the Israeli secret service, and condemned Israel as a terrorist state. During his trial in France in 1997, he said, "When one wages war for 30 years, there is a lot of blood spilled—mine and others.

Inteligentemente, Holanda Júnior vai evitando o assunto, contudo sabe de que terá de que deter game de cintura e habilidade política de modo a administrar o “problema”. A semana que inicia deverá ser decisiva, afinal restam somente 13 tempo para as convenções partidárias.

Por isso, por quase meio ano, a gestãeste no órgãeste de defesa do consumidor foi da atual chefe do Gerente Kleber Moreira.

In the American spy comedy Gotcha! (1985), actor Nick Corri plays supporting character "Manolo", a lady's man whose favorite pick-up technique is tricking women by vaguely implying he is an international terrorist named Laércio Benko "Carlos" and needs their help to both avoid capture and be able to move about freely, usually back to his room.

Definitivamente terminou a tentativa por alguns coronfoiis por permanecerem na ativa após o período do oito anos pelo cargo. O único remanescente dessa batalha, pilule coronel Linhares, cure foi derrotado no Tribunal do Justiça sites do Maranhão.

With conditional support from the Iraqi regime and after the death of Haddad, Carlos offered the services of his group to the PFLP and other groups. His group's first attack may have been a failed rocket attack on the Superphénix French nuclear power station on 18 January 1982.

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